David (R.Ac, RTCMP, M.E., CCIE) was born in a Traditional Chinese Medicine heirloom family. Since a kid, he learned TCM diagnoses skills of observation, olfactory, inquiry, palpation in grandpa’s TCM clinic. His heirloom expertise fields are: internal medicine, surgical medicine, gynecology, and TCM osteopathy. Quit from Omron industrial automation engineer and moved to Canada, David wishes to dedicate his rest life into saving those suffering lives from pain and disease.
Currently he had treated: **Post COVID Syndrome** : taste dysfunction, olfactory dysfunction, asthma, chronic diarrhea. **Chronic Pain Syndrome** : headache, trigeminal neuralgia, neck pain, back pain, herniated disk, spinal stenosis, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, mom’s hand, finger pain, groin pain, sciatic nerve pain, knee pain, foot/heel/soles pain. **Organs’ Disease** : coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, premature beat, cough, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, atrophic gastritis, infantile malnutrition, intestinal polyp, cholecystitis, HBV turned negative, kidney stone, bladder stone, gonorrhea, chronic insomnia, vertigo, depression, panic attack, tremors, spasm, HBP, HBS, diabetics, hyperuricemia syndrome, facial paralysis. **Skin Disease** : TSW, eczema, rubella, hives, herpes, boils, flat wart. **Gynecology** : uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrheal, infertility, uterine fibroid, PCOS. **Complicated Disease** : breast lump, systematic lupus, large bowel mass, chronic gastritis, abdominal pain, post chemotherapy syndrome, low blood oxygen, chronic nose bleeding, allergies, hay fever, and **other immune system disorders**.
郭医师 (安省注册针灸师,安省注册中医师,工学硕士, Omron前工业自动化工程师, Cisco 认证互联网专家CCIE)家传中医,自幼修习,针药结合,主治疑难杂症。“凡世浮沉半生,先人耳提面命。少有家学,矢志岐黄,发宏大愿,做精诚医,治病救人,积德行善。“
Bo (R.Ac, R.TCMP, M.E) is an excellent acupuncturist not only in Canada but also famous in her hometown in China. As the excellent disciple of David (Xiaojian Guo), Bo had showed her amazing acupuncture skills to treat all kinds of pain syndrome (shoulder, neck, back, limbs, wrist, ankle, abdominal pain, hypochondriac pain, headache, migraine etc.) and other problems (vomiting, nausea, cough, fever, chest pressure, palpitation, acid reflux, depression, irregular menopause, dysmenorrhea, .PCOS, in-fertility, assist IVF, HBP etc.) She is a real pain killer, and releases her patients from their suffers immediately. She is also skilled at Children's tuina massage and head massage which benefits for depression.
徐女士(安省注册针灸师,安省注册中医师,工学硕士),为郭小健医师亲传大弟子。精研中医医理、针术,勤奋刻苦,终学有所成,治病救人于寥寥数针间。曾于暑期回国探亲,拜访国内好友当地知名医馆,“妙手回春” 等锦旗无数。现场针好多年手臂活动受限,顽固性慢性腰疼等患者,仅一次针灸,立竿见影。病人激动不已,感叹针灸之术高明!徐女士擅长痛症,也擅长其他内科病症的针灸及中药治疗,效果显著。尤擅长小儿推拿以及头部按摩。
Lei (R.Ac, M.Sc) is majored in cell and molecular biology and used to be an research associate in a famous European biopharmaceuticals R&D center in China. Her expertise field is diabetes and Arthritis inflammation. As a registered acupuncturist now, she is skilled at pain syndrome and assist with moxibution, cupping, scruping and tuina according to the patients' condition. By tonifying the deficiency and reducing the excess, balancing the Yin & Yang of your body, enhancing your body energy and strengthening your immune system.
Wei (R.M.T., Ph.D) was a scientist and medical field professor in China, and also the former RMT's training teacher before joined in Live Strong Clinic. Among hundreds of his students, some of popular RMTs with excellent reputation in Oakville are his students. He focuses on therapeutic massage only. Patients may wear T shirt during the treatment as they will.
Judy was bornned in a TCM doctor's family. Her father is a famous TMC doctor in their town in China. As a tuinaer with over 10+ years experience, she has profound tuina knowledge and techniques to relax muscle, tendon and the spirit.
Guo's Acupuncture | 郭氏针药 | Live Strong Clinic | 强生中医
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